Thursday 19 September 2013

Blogtember: Thurs, 19 Sep 2013, A little story telling....

Thursday, September 19: Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."

The story does not necessarily need to have a conclusion - you can leave your readers wishing for more!
To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century. HE was going to be there - with HER. How could Janie invite me to this shindig knowing that he was going to be there. Ok, I'll admit it would be a challenge to avoid inviting both of us after all she's my best friend and he's Steven's brother.
What was I thinking when I said yes to a date with my best friend's boyfriend's brother?! Obviously things were doomed to go badly. Then again they weren't always bad between us. In fact, things were great.
The problems started and ended with his highschool girlfriend showing up, beautiful, brunette and a seven year old. I did not need my maths major to work out that at 25 that seven years ago he was the high school child who made a child. 
It was challenging to watch him react to that news... I could see he was beyond excited to have someone whom he "made" and I could see that she wanted a family for the three of them. He was so thrilled at the prospect of being a father he didn't question her much as to why she had kept their daughter away for the last seven years. 
His reaction was one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. Why I still loved him. Then why did I end things? Because I'm an emotional mess. I want him to be happy and his child to be happy. After all, we may have never been able to have children together...
I look great, in a new nude bodycon dress. He always said he loved to see me in nude!
Why did I pull up behind, I suppose some instincts never leave you, I'll always want to be close to him. Oh No! He's in the car, I thought he was just parked here. When he first saw me, it felt like MerDer in  Season 1 snd 2 - we shared our look.
As he approached the car, I was ready to ask where Ann was, he blurted out "She's not mine! Ann lied, Brooke isn't mine... please say you want to get back together! Now we can have children together and be a family just like we planned".
There is so much going on in my head but should I tell him the truth... we may never have children together, I may never have children which biologically mine... but I missed him too much and he already lost one child this week - should he lose the hope of anymore?


Victoria said...

Great story... Phew, you sure can write!

Nats ~Coral Tinted Perceptions said...

Thanks babe *blush*