About the Author

I have no idea why it has taken me so long to add an "about me" page when I read blogs it's the page that keeps me interested or not?! I've been meaning to get around to putting up an "about me" page but the I honestly just struggle to describe myself in a way which will let you know who I am.

Here's my first chance and I'm pretty certain I will change it a number of times over the life span of my blog.
This is me, Natalie at age 4 (I think)...

I am a twenty something South African...

This is a lifestyle blog which basically gives me artistic freedom to blog about whatever I feel like :)  Understanding that I am South African, all of my American readers should understand that I don't make spelling errors with "colour" instead of "color" it's just how we spell it... While I am telling you about South Africa, let me set the record straight:
* No we do not have any lions in our back yard, in fact... I had to pay to get this picture!
* We do not have elephants roaming the streets... although we have had some tigers and hippos escape their enclosures.
* Unfortunately I have NOT met Nelson Mandela or Charlize Theron but I do know a few people who know people who have met them ;)
* Being that I have travelled (not as much as I would like too) I can assure you that we dress appropriately (well, most people do anyway)
I chose to call to my blog "Coral Tinted Perceptions" because I like the colour Coral and I when researching it, I found out that it's not really any specific colour, it could be pink or orange or both? Either way that's sort of like me, not particularly anything specific.
I started blogging because I had things I wanted to say and not necessarily to someone or about anything I just wanted to be able to ramble on and see if there are people out there who can make sense of my ramblings!
Here is what my Twitter bio says...
I love (in no particular order) my family, my faith, all things football (or soccer, whatever you want to call it), Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres (despite his LFC betrayal), my race horse UPTOTHEMOON, travelling and blogging! I am the baby in my family but that doesn't stop me from being outspoken and polite and have been told my smile can light up a room.  One of my favourite compliments I have ever received is "Nats you're our oasis"and NO not the band the other type of oasis..
So I hope that my little space on the World Wide Web is an oasis for you.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me on coraltintedperceptions@gmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
