Monday, 23 June 2014

Life Lately... Well Sort Of

I've been noticing a lot of "Life Lately" posts and I suppose it makes sense, it is that time of the year when things are slightly chaotic and everyone seems to be realising that we're halfway through the year and not sure of what we have to show for it! 

However I'm not going to go into the details of what's been happening in my life but here's where my head has been ...


I've been watching A LOT of football! This is a World Cup full of surprises and I'm keeping track of them, every step of the way... 

Also, I was away from home for a while so I've been catching up on all my shows (Hart of Dixie, Prettly Little Liars and repeatedly watching the last episode of TVD)


The new bits of man candy I'm finding while watching the world cup also, I am seriously loving that this month I got to spend so much time with my family (including my extended family) and that my niece should be making her arrival soon.



By A Thread by R.L. Giffin 


Unnecessary drama 


Embarrassed, I fell in a bar the other night, I wasn't even drinking but as I leaned on the chair I went sprawling to the floor and all I was thinking is "that would have made a hilarious gif" but more so, two days later, my back is in a full on spasm so now I'm not only embarrassed, I'm sore as well... 

What's been going on with you lately?

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