Friday 10 January 2014

Movie Review : Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom

Yesterday I did something I love to do, but loads of people judge me for, I went to the movies by myself. It doesn't matter how much alone time I have had there's something gratifying about being in the movie house by yourself. I think it may be because I am a crier and at lease if I watch a movie by myself, I can cry without any judgment.

In saying that, I am definitely glad I watched this movie alone because I cried. I cried a LOT. I found the movie to be painful to watch because, it's my country's history and because it's true. It reminded me how lucky I was to be born when I was and to be able to live the life that I do.

I heard rumours that a few of the older generation refused to watch the movie just because it would make them more angry and feel more hurt. I thought that was ridiculous because surely we have moved forward and can watch a movie without leaving there with no hard feelings. However, I left the cinema feeling a lot of things. Although I did not leave angry, I left sad, hurt and I hate to admit, filled with a lot of pity.

I haven't read Nelson Mandela's book and when I wanted too, my dad's copy had gone missing and then I thought it would be better to move forward and not hold onto the past because I knew that reading about the past struggles would stir up pain.

The movie managed to do that. I don't know if the movie is an accurate depiction of the book or if the book is an accurate depiction of the struggle of Madiba's long walk to freedom but I know it was difficult to watch. Difficult to not feel sorry for Winnie Mandela. Difficult not to feel for all those people who gave their lives for the good of the nation and the generations to come.

While there are obviously more people that were involved in the struggle, it is humbling to see that Madiba was a) not perfect and b) a born leader and c) he truly loved Winnie (click here to see the letters he wrote to her).

It's no wonder people in South Africa and the world were concerned what would happen when Madiba dies because he was a man who forgave his perpetrators despite the abuse, violence and unjust which was done onto him, his wife, family and fellow comrades.
Movie Still: When Madiba is sentenced to life imprisonment 

The movie was long but not long enough to illustrate the intricate details of the struggle. When I walked out the movie (after many tears) I just felt an immense sadness for the love between Madiba and Winnie and how Winnie was so warm glowed before she was immersed in the struggle that it changed the very core of who she was.

Real Life : Mandela after his release with Winnie

Movie Still : Madiba after the release

Have you watched the film? How did you feel after watching it? Do you feel inspired to make your freedom more worthwhile (because I do)?

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